Now we have something called Apeel. What is Apeel? From *PCC Community
“I’ve recently heard about an alarming coating that is sprayed onto pro...
Gulf Streams
Seven MPs are expected to be desperate to have back the Whip of the party
that is in third place in the polls, behind a party with no policies, and
with bo...
ROME DAY 25/01 03: jat lag
Today the sun was up by 07:26 and it was down by 17:20. Getting longer.
Last I was here, they were getting shorter. The Ave Maria Bell, back in
More on French Royalism
[image: Coat of Arms of the Bourbon Restoration (1815-30).svg]
Image: Wikipedia
I have posted twice in recent days about commemorations in France of King...
Durandus on the Third Sunday after Epiphany
In his treatment of the Third Sunday after Epiphany (Rationale Divinorum
Officiorum 6, 20), our friend William Durandus is more than a little
obscure, so t...
Live Adoration from Tyburn Convent, London
Week 3 of Ordinary Time
Calendar of Saints
26.1.25 St. Timothy *and* St. Titus
27.1.25 St. Carolina Santocanal...
Jubilee of the World of Communications (3)
The Decree of the Second Vatican Council on the Means of Social
Communication, *Inter Mirifica*, acts as a kind of introduction to the much
more detaile...
Third Sunday of the Year
*Third Sunday of the Year. 26th January.*
*Year C. *
*5pm Saturday Vigil Mass at St Catherine's*
The ethics of invective
It’s often said that while sticks and stones can break our bones, words can
never hurt us. But it isn’t true. Were we mere animals it would be true,
The top eight saints
We started the World Cup of post-Biblical saints with 96 fairly good
saints, and are now down to the 8 very good ones who have made it through
to the quart...
Holland 1944
Just this week I found these two photos of a diorama from 1977 or so. I
didn't expect it would survive the trip to Ecuador, so I gave it away.
Battery trains fool’s gold
A piece by the railway news video Green Signals recently reported the fast
charging trials for battery operated electric trains on the West Ealing to
40 Days to Give So Others Might Live This Lent
We are called Pray, Fast and Give Alms in Lent. This year, the money you
save in Lent could help us to offer women the help they need to keep their
Pre-1910 Calendar for Week Beginning 24 December
*Announcement of the Indulgence, the Holyday and the Feast of Devotion*
+24 *Sunday* Fourth Sunday of Advent, second class. Vigil of the Nativity.
Mass o...
Spanish Q&A Session – Oct. 24
Join the CMAA… …for a question and answer session completely in Spanish on
October 24. This is open to all with free admission – not members only, so
In celebration of the Coronation of King Charles III, copies of these
leaflets were recently distributed in our churches. As well as a message
from Card...
Saint Gabriel
The angels call for our veneration and awe as part of God’s creation. Part
of the destructive modernism of the 1970s included advice to Catholic
school t...
Last Post
*Sorry for my long absence, I am writing to say that this will be my last
post. Google have forced my hand. They have been asking for my date of
Praying with chant
Beautifully and practically, Stephanie Mann writes on praying with
Gregorian chant.
The post Praying with chant appeared first on Chant Café.
I was explaining to a Protestant friend the other day why the concept of
the 'January blues' didn't exist while England was Catholic. Having fasted
and abs...
Pachamama and the Pieta
Those who are following the Amazonian Synod in Rome will have heard about
the furore over the feminine image first used in a tree planting ritual
when the ...
Young Catholic Adults' Weekend, 25-27 Oct 2019
I am happy to pass on this message from Young Catholic Adults:
*Young Catholic Adult Weekend @ Douai Abbey 25th - 27th Oct 2019 (18-40
Are you 18-4...
Prayer and Reality
[image: Image result for kneeling "low Mass"]
"It is not the healthy who need a physician but the sick"
Jesus is supposed to be our Saviour but most of us...
Our Lady Who Turns Her Face to the Wall
Some years ago, my late mother gave me a small statue of Our Lady of
Torreciudad. She sits on top of the chest of drawers by my bed, in the
corner of the ...
Patron Saints for Struggling Souls
If you doubt the work of God in your life, seek a Patron Saint whose life’s
struggles resonate with your own. Look for perseverance over piety, and
then st...
Pilgrimage to Borris, County Carlow
Members and friends of the Catholic Heritage Association joined together
this afternoon for a Pilgrimage to Borris, County Carlow, and a Traditional
Latin ...
The Remnant
The Remnant from Laurence England on Vimeo.
This was fun to make but its low on humorous content.
For four minutes and and thirty four seconds I got to ...
Rosary On The Coast At Margate...
Following the witness shown in Poland and Ireland recently, a group of lay
people in the UK decided to try and organise a similar day of pilgrimage
and p...
Three years
I made a ten-day retreat at Our Lady of Clear Creak Abbey in Oklahoma in
Advent. My first visit there was for a week retreat last Lent. In many
senses I...
Sophronius of Jerusalem: A Baptism of Salvation
Today the grace of the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, came upon the
waters. Today the unwaning sun has dawned, and the world is lit up with the
light ...
Sarah Says Turn and Face Your God
I am reading Zola’s work on Lourdes. It focuses on that most
extreme contradiction between our Faith and modernism, when the doctors
have given up on certa...
Ad Orientem... Please?
Last night we went to Mass in the Extraordinary Form at St Charles in Hull.
I am very grateful to Bishop Drainey for allowing this once monthly Mass to
Reconciliation rumours
I haven't posted for almost a year, but there has been some speculation
that the Society of Such Pious Gents will reconcile with Rome. I therefore
thought ...
Three thoughts
First thought: whatever this Friday brings, don't lose your peace of soul.
Personally, I suspect we can expect the worst. But so what if that happens?
The ...
The Miracle of the Sacred Thorn
I have not heard of this before but it is very interesting. The other
connection of Good Friday and the Annunciation is the martyrdom of St.
Margaret Clith...
Palm Sunday
Here are recordings of some of the chants you may be singing on Sunday:
> Hosanna filio David
> http://gregorian-chant-hymns.com/hymns-2/hosanna-filio.ht...
Saying goodbye ...
Immediately after Easter I will be leaving the Potteries after 23 years.
[image: CarolService2015]
We all moved here in the Summer of 1992 when I became...
Holy Week/Triduum 2015 Debrief
So this year between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday we sang: 4 hymns in
Latin 5 hymns in English 11 pieces of chant in English 16 motets (one in 8
parts) 27...
That Letter - Update
We now have hundreds of signatures on the letter in support of our priests,
thanks to the many bloggers who carried the letter (see here for a list),
and m...
The Dominican Way 2015 - book your place now!
*To find out more or book your place:*
*To read about last year's pilgrimage, click here...
A Requiem Mass for Richard Collins will be held on Tuesday 21st October at
12 noon at St David's and St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Dew Street, 9
El Camino con Padre Joe y Señor McSorley
My dear friend Fr Joseph Lappin and a colleague of his, Mr McSorley a
teacher at St Thomas Aquinas High School in Jordanhill, are walking the 500
miles of ...
Words of Wisdom for Lent
This is from my FSSP Latin Church Bulletin, and is so incredibly
insightful, I'm sharing it here. It is written by the pastor, an FSSP
priest whose line u...
Weekend Roundup
Sunday, 31st of March. 2013.
At the Birmingham Oratory (EF 1100) the* Mass in E* of Leonce de
Saint-Martin. At Brentwood Cathedral (OF 1100) Vierne's *Mess...
Dom Prosper Gueranger on Our Lady's Expectation:
This feast, which is now kept not only throughout the whole of Spain but in
many other parts of the Catholic world, owes its origin to the bishops of
the t...
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