On Tuesday my new CTS Daily Missal arrived and I remain most impressed. With over three thousand four hundred pages it is a pretty hefty tome and carrying it into mass feels like carrying a house brick or half a breeze block. It occurred to me that I could be like a vandal or a burglar about to inflict some serious damage! "Going equipped", as they say in the police dramas. (As Evelyn Waugh is supposed to have remarked, "Ah, but imagine how much worse I could be if I wasn't a Christian!").
Had the CTS published the Daily Missal back in the Autumn, I'd probably have never bought the Sunday Missal, as I did then- because the Daily Missal includes Sundays and in fact all the material I already have in the Sunday Missal. In fact I am a little puzzled as to why they didn't do what Collins did when they published the Missals for the old translation and simply had a Weekday Missal which duplicated a minimum of material from the Sunday Missal. Nevertheless, I am very happy, not least because of the parallel Latin and English texts of both the mass ordinaries and the Proper texts - apart from the Lectionary material. A major failing of both publications, however, is their neglect to give the people's response to the celebrant's "Good Morning, everybody!" Should it be, perhaps, "Et tibi, Pater,"? Oh, hang on. Is that where I get to throw the book at them?
Through Her Eyes
Madame de Polignac
From *The Crossroads Gazette*:
Vigée Le Brun has painted some of my favorite portraits of women, including
those of herself. She was...
5 hours ago
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