The Sequence "Veni Sancte Spiritus" has, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful tunes ever written down. The text is attributed to Cardinal Stephen Langton - the thiteenth century Archbishop of Canterbury who famously appears on the Magna Carta. Some have also ascribed the tune to him but, whatever the case, there is certainly a "fit" between words and music.
Before the reform of the liturgy the sequence was said or sung throughout the Octave of Pentecost. One year the choir to which I belonged (in my youth) had the special treat of singing it on three occasions for, in addition to the solemn mass of the Sunday, we had two further high masses for the beginning and ending of the Forty Hours devotion within the octave and for which the mass of the octave took precedence. Happy days!
Impression, Sunrise (1872)
From *ArtNet*:
On a November morning in 1872, Claude Monet set up his easel and began
furiously painting the foggy scene beyond his hotel balcony. As a...
“Days in Rome” Project – Oct/Nov 2024
It’s time for another appeal. Long-time readers know that I try to get
back to Rome in (March/April/May for Easter and my anniversary and in
October becau...
Pro-Life Mass – September 2024
The monthly Pro-Life Mass is on Wednesday, 18th September at 7.30 pm at
Holy Cross, 113 Dixon Avenue, G42 8ER. The celebrant will be Fr John
Gannon. Holy H...
Reform or Die?
Keir Starmer has read Lord Darzi's report, and will be announcing more of
the same, only in an even more extreme form. "Reform" always means
Live Adoration from Tyburn Convent, London
23rd Week in Ordinary Time
Calendar of Saints
8.9.24 Bl. Adam Bargielski
9.9.24 St. Peter Claver
10.9.24 St. So...
A new Parish Appointment
Twenty Third Sunday. Year B. 8th September.
*Mass at 8.30am*
*Mass at 10am*
*Last Sunday I gave out the news that Archbishop Malcolm has appointed ...
A Pastoral Letter from Bishop Arnold
I've read it so you don't have to - here is a shortened version of the
original text.
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ ...
Synodal Metastasis
Gavin has had a new chat with Professor Larry Chapp. You can watch/ listen
to it here:
I think there are some excellent points made, especially regard...
The problem with the “hard problem”
Robert Lawrence Kuhn is well-known as the creator and host of the public
television series *Closer to Truth*, an invaluable source of interviews
with maj...
RAF P-40
Another shot at Revell's 50+ year-old 1/32 P-40 kit. New decals.
Handpainted w/ craftstore acrylics, topped with finger-applied pastels in
assorted shad...
A Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Your prayers are requested for the freedom and flourishing of the
Traditional Latin Liturgy. For example, you could make a Novena to Our
Lady of Mount Car...
Things Fell Apart
In recent months I was able to listen to some of the episodes in the second
series of Jon Ronson's Radio 4 broadcasts/podcasts *Things Fell Apart*. I
40 Days to Give So Others Might Live This Lent
We are called Pray, Fast and Give Alms in Lent. This year, the money you
save in Lent could help us to offer women the help they need to keep their
Arthurian Republicanism: The Holy Roman Empire
Suscipient autem regnum sancti Dei altissimi, et obtinebunt regnum usque in
saeculum, et saeculum saeculorum. (Daniel 7:18) What happened on Christmas
Day ...
Pre-1910 Calendar for Week Beginning 24 December
*Announcement of the Indulgence, the Holyday and the Feast of Devotion*
+24 *Sunday* Fourth Sunday of Advent, second class. Vigil of the Nativity.
Mass o...
For those who've gone before
Today being the feast of All Souls, or The Commemoration of All the
Faithful Departed, as my missal has it, it's time to revisit my annual post
where I rem...
Spanish Q&A Session – Oct. 24
Join the CMAA… …for a question and answer session completely in Spanish on
October 24. This is open to all with free admission – not members only, so
In celebration of the Coronation of King Charles III, copies of these
leaflets were recently distributed in our churches. As well as a message
from Card...
Saint Gabriel
The angels call for our veneration and awe as part of God’s creation. Part
of the destructive modernism of the 1970s included advice to Catholic
school t...
The Pope Who Won't Be Buried
It has been a long time since I have put finger to keyboard to write about
our holy Catholic Faith, something I regret, but which I put largely down
to ...
A War on Reality (4)
I concluded my previous post in this series by writing* that is why I have
called this series of posts A War on Reality, for it is the Devil's war.
And I...
Pre-1910 Calendar for 2023
I have published before a series of blogposts illustrating what the week in
church would have looked like to the Catholic in the pew if the liturgical
What's happening on the blog?
It has struck me that, unless I update the blog now, anyone coming to it
out of the ether will encounter a post some two years old and think that I ...
My favourite bigot
A quick post to warm-up the blogging fingers: it's time to start writing
While all has been quiet on this blog there have been some excellent ne...
Last Post
*Sorry for my long absence, I am writing to say that this will be my last
post. Google have forced my hand. They have been asking for my date of
Photos of the clips below... (in case you're squeamish!)
I really want to thank all of you for your prayers. The surgery on my first
knee took place as ...
Praying with chant
Beautifully and practically, Stephanie Mann writes on praying with
Gregorian chant.
The post Praying with chant appeared first on Chant Café.
Visit the new “Pause for Faith” YouTube channel
If you have enjoyed Bridges and Tangents over the last few years, please
visit the new Pause for Faith YouTube channel, for live streaming with Fr
Stephen ...
The Lord’s descent into the underworld
At Matins/the Office of Readings on Holy Saturday the Church gives us this
'ancient homily', I find it incredibly moving, it is about Holy Saturday,
about ...
My Blog and Planned Parenthood
As readers of this blog will know, my main blog and website is now here. I
have kept this blog open because it provides a platform to speak to a wider
Death of Supertradmum
Dear Supertradmum, author of the blog Etheldreda's Place, died yesterday.
The news was tweeted by Fr Finigan. Please pray for her soul, and for the
Ida Chooses Love
The film Ida, directed and co-written by Pawel Pawlikowski, was released in
2014 to huge critical acclaim. Shot in black and white under an austere
Polish ...
Patron Saints for Struggling Souls
If you doubt the work of God in your life, seek a Patron Saint whose life’s
struggles resonate with your own. Look for perseverance over piety, and
then st...
The Chaste Fatherhood of the Priest
I happened to be in small talk with a parishioner after Mass on Sunday. The
question of hearing confessions in a school that was not only in another
International declaration on sacred music
Here at The New Liturgical Movement
The list of over 200 signatories, of which I am one, Here
Still singing.
Mass XVII, Credo I
Marian ant...
Ad Orientem... Please?
Last night we went to Mass in the Extraordinary Form at St Charles in Hull.
I am very grateful to Bishop Drainey for allowing this once monthly Mass to
Reconciliation rumours
I haven't posted for almost a year, but there has been some speculation
that the Society of Such Pious Gents will reconcile with Rome. I therefore
thought ...
Three thoughts
First thought: whatever this Friday brings, don't lose your peace of soul.
Personally, I suspect we can expect the worst. But so what if that happens?
The ...
Music List for 3rd Sunday in Lent
INTROIT : Oculi Mei (P.252 Gregorian Missal) MASS XVII GRADUAL : Exsurge
Domine (P. 254 Gregorian Missal) – Female voices Tract – I have lifted up
my eye...
Archives and Forum
At this point, I have not set up an archives link, as this blog will remain
"up". The link to the forum will be on the new blog under "forum" at the
top me...
Goodbye and God Bless
I began this Blog back in 2008 when Religious Discrimination laws were just
being introduced in Britain and I have enjoyed using it to explore the
That Letter - Update
We now have hundreds of signatures on the letter in support of our priests,
thanks to the many bloggers who carried the letter (see here for a list),
and m...
What I did in the summer… Hospital Chaplaincy
The bread and butter issues in life are what really matter, not so much the
added extras. At least, that is what I took from my student placement this
A Requiem Mass for Richard Collins will be held on Tuesday 21st October at
12 noon at St David's and St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Dew Street, 9
El Camino con Padre Joe y Señor McSorley
My dear friend Fr Joseph Lappin and a colleague of his, Mr McSorley a
teacher at St Thomas Aquinas High School in Jordanhill, are walking the 500
miles of ...
Weekend Roundup
Sunday, 31st of March. 2013.
At the Birmingham Oratory (EF 1100) the* Mass in E* of Leonce de
Saint-Martin. At Brentwood Cathedral (OF 1100) Vierne's *Mess...
- the Royal couple HRH Prince William Windsor, and Kate Middleton: Duke
& Duchess of Cambridge.
And here's hoping that the Lady will be dressed as s...
Dom Prosper Gueranger on Our Lady's Expectation:
This feast, which is now kept not only throughout the whole of Spain but in
many other parts of the Catholic world, owes its origin to the bishops of
the t...
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