Thursday, 30 August 2012

Free Rimsha Masih Petition

Please sign the petition for Rimsha Masih, the Pakistani Christian girl with Downs Syndrome, who is being persecuted by Muslims for alleged desecration of a Koranic text here:

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Pater Noster

I got an ear-wigging today from a lady who was very upset at our having had the Lord's Prayer sung in Latin at mass. I suppose  the fact that I help out with the music led her to infer that it was my choice. It wasn't but I was more than happy to go along with it. Even my protestation that I had been taken by surprise by the (new) priest's decision did not prevent my getting the brunt of her wrath and so I was hardly prepared to deal with a pile of assertions about it not being fair to the "young people" who "don't do Latin" and felt deprived of being able to say the Our Father. Nevertheless, I managed to point out that Latin had never been "stopped forty years ago", as she put it and  not only did  the holy father himself use it at World Youth day masses but that I  had been at English masses with Latin in several dioceses. The problem here seems to be one of education- essentially Catholics who, even in this modern age of motor cars and interwebnet thingies , hardly venture to mass outside their own parish or attempt to inform themselves about what is going on in the wider Church.

One really good thing, however! The priest concerned did not add "Good Morning, everybody," to the opening dialogue.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012