Saturday 30 April 2011

I did not watch...

...the royal wedding on television yesterday but heard much of it on the wireless as I hurtled along the M62. Two things struck me. The first was that the choice of "I was glad" in Parry's setting for the entry of the bride was excellent. The second was the realisation that the chap who read from St Paul's Letter to the Romans seemed to have very little idea as to the meaning of the text he had been given or of how to articulate it. Now. Who says the Anglicans always do these things well?


  1. It was Kate's brother and, given the circomstances, I think he did a commendable job.

  2. Thanks for your comment, Doodler. I have since been able to watch the whole wedding on U-tube and revised my opinion. Somehow once he was visible it just seemed so much better.
